Seminář strojového učení a modelování / Machine Learning and Modelling Seminar

čtvrtek / Thursday 14:00
posluchárna / room S8
Malostranské náměstí 2

Společný seminář katedry teoretické informatiky a matematické logiky MFF UK a oddělění umělé inteligence ústavu informatiky AV ČR

Organized jointly by the Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic, Faculty of Mathemeatics and Physics of the Charles University, and by the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Kontakt: / Contact:
Martin Holeňa
+420 266 052 921
skype martinholena


Na semináři ve čtvrtek 27. března budeme mít hosta z Zürichu. / At the seminar on Thursday, March 27, we shall have a guest from Zürich.


Andreas Opedal. Systematic Analysis of the Arithmetic Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs

Andreas will present his work on large language models’ ability to generalize to complex proofs and make human-like mistakes on arithmetic word problems, which uses a symbolic world-model framework that formalizes reasoning in terms of proof trees.


Přehled seminářů v roce 2025 / List of seminars in 2025

24.  4.

Jelle Hüntelmann

Learning to be uncertain: Of soft labels and soft losses

10.  4.

Marcel Kühn

Anti-Correlated Noise in Epoch-Based Stochastic Gradient Descent and its Implications

27.  3.

Andreas Opedal

Systematic Analysis of the Arithmetic Reasoning Capabilities of LLMs

13.  3.

Antoni Kowalczuk

Image Autoregressive Models Leak More Training Data Than Diffusion Models


27.  2.

Thomas Kleine Buening

Strategic Interactive Decision-Making



Přehled seminářů v roce 2024 / List of seminars in 2024

19. 12.

Peter Blohm

Probably Approximately Global Robustness Certification


 5. 12.

Vlad Yorsh

Structured State-Space Neural-Network Models


21. 11.

Jonas Hübotter

Transductive Active Learning for Fine-Tuning Large (Language) Models


 7. 11.

Krzysztof Kacprzyk

AI4Science: Discovering Governing Equations and Beyond


10. 10.

Ondřej Tichý

Bayesian Regression and Its Application to Atmospheric Emissions Estimation


23.  5.

Pierre Nicolay

Kinematic-Aware Neural Network for Dynamics Modeling


25.  4.

Balint Gyevnar

How Do We make Explainable AI Work for People?


11.  4.

Alex Goodall

Theory and Applications of Approximate Model-based Shielding for Safe Reinforcement Learning


28.  3.

Simon Rittel

Bayesian Causal Structure Learning


14.  3.

Oliver Sutton

Can Adversarial Robustness Be Certified for Classifiers Learning High Dimensional Data?


29.  2.

Michal Znalezniak

Contrastive Hierarchical Clustering


 1.  2.

Tomáš Pevný

Tractable Probabilistic Models for Hierarchical Data


Archiv: / Archive: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023